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The friends in Newark may expect three meetings on Sunday, April 10th. Bro. A. D. Jones and the Editor will meet with you. Bro. Jones will remain over and celebrate with you the Lord's Supper on the evening of its anniversary--April 14th.



By mistake, an article appeared in last paper as an editorial which should have been credited to Bro. J. C. Sunderlin. It was headed "Looking unto Jesus."



The editor feels that he owes himself an apology. His time is very much occupied. The Watch Tower, the tracts, the Sunday and Wednesday meetings besides other necessary business occupy his time fully and the mail correspondence is necessarily much neglected.

I receive and read with interest your many kind letters, but I cannot answer them all, much as I should like to: sometimes they go entirely unanswered and sometimes very briefly.

I do not make these remarks to hinder your writing, but to excuse and explain what otherwise might seem like negligence or indifference. I am ever glad to hear from you--to know of your welfare and your trials and to learn your questionings--I can read ten letters, while I would be answering one--therefore write on, but accept the articles of the WATCH TOWER as special answers to your letters.



A French Company is said to have been recently formed for the purpose of utilizing the products of the Dead Sea. An engineer last May visited the ground, to report upon the feasibility of procuring from its waters and shores natron, salt, petroleum, sulphur and other chemical substances, to be brought by a small boat to the north-west shore, near Jericho, and thence to be carried to the Mediterranean Sea at Joppa. At the same point on the sea a small factory will be put up, to reduce crude materials to pure and more compact state. Should the scheme assume a practical shape it will do much to bring about that development of trade with the eastern shores of the Mediterranean which the study of prophecy leads us to expect.--Selected.



We desire to make a list for our office of all places where our readers hold regular meetings and services of any kind, whether in churches, halls, or private houses. Evangelists and Teachers frequently pass the "twos and threes" en route from one point to another.

If you have no gathering of this sort, let me recommend you to establish one in your own home with your own family, or even a few that may be interested. Read, study, praise and worship together, and where two or three are met in His name, the Lord will be in your midst--your teacher. Such was the character of some of the meetings of the church in the days of the Apostles. (See Philemon 2.)



Tract supplement No. 4, accompanies this number and will, we trust, be acceptable to you all. It is a subject much thought of by all, and more than one child has asked, "Why did God make the Devil?" It is a subject which should command some attention from all thinking Christians.


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THE Turkish government in Palestine has secured 80,000 acres of land between Jerusalem and Jaffa, for a colony of Jews. The proposition is to open up a settlement for the persecuted Israelites in Europe; and England and America are raising funds for the project.