[R5616 : page 26]




We have pleasure in sending a summarized account of the work of the British Branch for the year 1914. As you will see by the figures subjoined, there is a good work to report. The sales of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES have increased by more than 20,000 copies, our total British circulation for the year being 131,984. Besides this number we sent out to Australia over 26,000 copies, or a total British output of 158,264 STUDIES. The circulation of free literature is also considerably in excess of last year's figures. We sent out of London for Volunteer work, for the Class Extension service and for the PHOTO-DRAMA work a total of 15,787,950 items, representing in tract pages 262,770,280, a huge figure. However, our report does not increase all the way; for the war came in the midst of our work, and immediately began to restrict it--but not to a great extent.

The general Colporteur work suffered first, and then the Brethren, as well as ourselves here, were hindered from obtaining halls for public witnessing, because so many were required by the military authorities. But the war helped as well as hindered; for many were much more inclined to hear what we had to say, so that both in the public meetings and to the Colporteurs there was a preparation for the message of Truth. Also the people more able to buy the sets of the STUDIES were more attentive, and many of these have shown a warm interest in the Truth. It must be said that the Colporteur work has been very much helped by the recent methods of furthering their work. Brother Rutherford's extended tour resulted in the selling of over 10,500 volumes of STUDIES, and the follow-up work after the PHOTO-DRAMA is also of very great help. It was believed that sets of STUDIES could not be sold here, but now this has become the common thing; and our output of Vols. 4, 5, 6 has largely increased. The war has not made an appreciable difference in the outward aspect of things; but it is impossible that such a state can continue, and no doubt there will be a pinch in the spending capacity of the people not at present keenly felt.

There has been little outward opposition to the spreading of the Truth along our usual lines; the Lord has kept back violent opposition, and so we can report the greatest witness yet given here. The outlook is not bright, and we see other factors at work which indicate that our freeness of service cannot long continue. We rejoice in whatever is afforded to us, and we hope to be faithful to our Head until the work is accomplished. The first six months of the year saw very little activity in the Class Extension work, but the advent of the DRAMA came about the time the Class Extension territory had been covered; and since then the brethren have been energetic in this newer phase of service.

The DRAMA has now been shown in London and 97 other cities and towns in Great Britain and Ireland, and has been attended by 1,226,650 people, London figures being 25 exhibitions with 425,000 in attendance. Outside London attendance 800,100. The London exhibitions were 22 of two weeks each, and 3 others of four weeks each. The signed cards for further literature, etc., numbered in London 7,470; and so far, over five thousand books have been sold through these. In the country over 12,000 cards have been left, and the resultant sales is about the same proportion. In London the cloth Scenarios were in good demand; in two centres alone 7,966 copies were sold. Thus we feel that this great city has had an opportunity of gaining some knowledge of our loving Heavenly Father's character and Plan.

The friends have everywhere risen loyally to their opportunities of service. The Volunteer matter has gone out well--you will notice that we have sent out nearly 7,000,000 B.S.M. The work has, as you know, continued to make increased sacrifices upon the time and the means of the brethren, but the sacrifices have been made to the blessing of increased faith and love among the brethren.

We praise the Lord for all the mercies of the way, and we will keep on with His work till He shall bid us cease. We are going on with such work as is at hand, hoping to do it to His praise. With love in the Lord,

Your servants in Him,
British Branch Managers.

[R5616 : page 27]

STUDIES, all kinds................................ 158,264
To Australia, out of above........................ 26,280
Total British local sales......................... 131,984

BIBLE STUDENTS MONTHLY............................ 6,932,300
EVERYBODY'S PAPER................................. 5,828,200
Colporteur tracts................................. 302,000
Hell pamphlets.................................... 28,250
DRAMA volunteer................................... 1,958,000
Free Scenarios.................................... 739,200
Or Tract pages...................................252,607,200
Books (Manual, MANNA, Poems, etc.)................ 3,246
Scenario, paper................................... 18,351
Scenario, cloth................................... 5,717

[R5617 : page 27]

Booklets.......................................... 23,679
Letters, out...................................... 35,174
Letters, in....................................... 31,425




We are glad again to think that you will be pleased with the year's work. It has been a year of progress as the result of the increase of love and zeal and spirit of sacrifice generally among the friends. Yet we realize that there is much to be done here; and that it may be some months before the door of opportunity is closed for laboring and suffering for the Truth's sake.

Last year was a record with its 30,000 volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES; but it has been exceeded and the output has reached over 40,000, as you will see from the appended statement. The Colporteurs have done well; and while the war has tightened money considerably, yet it has increased interest in the matters dealt with in the STUDIES, so that there is still a good work going on. We have about thirty Colporteurs in the field now, some doing moderately and some doing splendidly. Some have been ever so much more successful since the war broke out than previously. Many more volumes would have been put out if we had had them to supply orders; but, as you are aware, our shipments were stopped.

The PEOPLES PULPITS, which have been mostly sent through the post, continue to bring good interest, and the list of subscribers has steadily increased. THE WATCH TOWER list also continues to grow, which will indicate to you best the amount of progress, although it is still so that one WATCH TOWER serves for may be a family or for one or two readers.

While the Tract Fund shows a good increase over last year, yet it does not represent probably more than half what has been spent by the Classes in special efforts under the auspices of the Society. While Brother Gates has been used by the Perth Class for many public efforts, the Sydney Class have used Brother O. Walters, and the Brisbane Class has served many outlying small towns with several brethren. In this way much has been done without expense to the Society. Brother Nelson has traveled mostly in New Zealand and Queensland, and has been a means of blessing to the friends at those places. He is now in Queensland, and we hope to see him once more at our Melbourne Convention Christmas time.

We still have about thirty-five Newspapers publishing the sermons. Some opposition has been strongly working against these, and has succeeded in one or two instances; but generally the editors have been able to take it for what it is worth. Some of the editors have been more than pleased with the matter of the sermons themselves, and have realized that their readers are appreciating them. We have heard of many cases of strangers getting quite interested through this service. At the same time we feel that the friends generally do not fully realize their opportunity of encouraging the papers in the good work.

You will find a list of Extension efforts and Pilgrim Public Meetings, but this is by no means complete, as we know we have not had returns from all the classes that have been busy. Along this line we are glad to say that the visit of Brother Hollister in the early part of the year was very much appreciated and much good was accomplished, not only in encouraging the brethren everywhere, but also creating new interest. We do rejoice in all the good providences of our God.


The PHOTO-DRAMA has been shown in Wellington, N.Z., the attendances totalling about 40,000. The Class there nobly shouldered the whole expense, which amounted to about L200; but with experience now gained, this will not need to be so great elsewhere. We have evidences, however, that good will be accomplished by this means of declaring "the whole counsel of God" as revealed in His Word. We now have the films in Melbourne, and preparations are well advanced for the work. We feel sure that we are voicing the feeling of the International Bible Students in Australasia when we express gratitude for the generosity on the part of Brooklyn in affording us two sets of such expensive outfits. When we realize how much sacrifice is involved in the way of patient toil, as well as of substance by others in the production of this wonderful exhibition, it makes us feel the responsibility of now doing our part to our utmost with what is entrusted to us, in order that the work may be accomplished here. The Melbourne Church, though generally poor in this world's goods, has followed the example of Wellington in the spirit of sacrifice, and has promised eighty pounds toward the expense of the production.

We had our Finale on Sunday and had record meetings both afternoon and evening. Twelve hundred were present and many were unable to get into the Hall. I took the speaking part and endeavored to follow the notes suggested in the instructions. The Lord was with us, and we believe that much good was done. Altogether we have over 200 names of interested. These are now being called upon by three of our best Colporteurs, and we feel sure of good follow-up meetings in the same Hall for the next three Sunday nights, when I am to give Chart Talks. We reckon that we showed to 22,850 people, or rather attendances; for many attended every one of the exhibitions.

The DRAMA started in Geelong this week. Geelong is a City of Churches, hard to wake up. But the Lord arranged to stir them up. The Council of Churches made a strenuous effort to hinder our having the Theatre, which is under the control of the Town Council.

We cannot run several cities at the same time here; but though it will take us a little while to get round, it is beautiful to see the effect and to realize that the Lord is directing our steps and blessing the work.

The work all over is, we think, progressing well, not only in the all-important deepening of the spirit of consecration personally of those who have been some time under the hallowed influences of the Truth, but in numbers. These are growing, in some cases, quite rapidly. We hope, however, that while the door of opportunity remains open even greater things may be accomplished. It is good to realize that there never has been a time when it was so easy to get people to think along the lines of the Truth; and that the shackles of error are breaking and the mists of the Dark Ages are being dispelled by the bright shining of the glorious Sun of Righteousness. [R5617 : page 28]

While the clouds of trouble roll over the earth in fulfilment of the Word, thus in accord with our expectations, as though the great Divine Time Clock has struck the End of the Gentile Times, we are resting in the promise that our "deliverance draweth nigh" and are seeking to identify ourselves with the Kingdom which is being set up and co-operate in its glorious work of turning "the pure language to the people." "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"--Isaiah 52:7.

With Christian love to yourself and all of like precious faith,

Yours in the service of Christ, R. E. B. NICHOLSON.


STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES......................... 38,713
" " " " --Magazine form........... 1,321
Booklets.......................................... 2,433
Total............................................. 42,467
Free Literature sent out:
B.S.M. and EVERYBODY'S PAPER...................... 1,129,800
WATCH TOWERS...................................... 4,287
Debates........................................... 1,000
Hell TOWERS....................................... 3,487
Total............................................. 1,138,074


Letters received.................................. 4,370
" dispatched................................ 4,444

A goodly amount of Pilgrim work was done by Brother Edward Nelson, Brother Robert Hollister and myself; but the exact figures are not obtainable at the moment. Considerable of this work was also done in New Zealand.


Pilgrim, Extension Work, Halls,
Advertising, etc...................... 280:12:-
Postage, freight, etc.................. 49:--:5
Rent, gas, stationery, personal
expenses.............................. 56:--:-
PHOTO-DRAMA Expense, Customs
Duty, etc............................. 31:15:8
Supply of Free Literature.............. 394:17:-
812: 5:1 = $3,947.56
Tract Fund Donations................... 827: 9:7 = 4,021.55
Dr. to Brooklyn.......................1,597:11:2 = 7,764.13




I send you the yearly report, and am glad to say that again, by the Lord's grace, the amount of literature circulated [R5618 : page 28] exceeds that of the preceding year by about one-third. The totals are as follows:

German..................................... 24,136
other languages............................ 1,070
Volumes MANNA................................ 1,079
Volumes DIVINE PLAN in journal form.......... 8,770
TOWERS on Hell............................... 31,085
Booklets--German............................. 12,946
Booklets--Foreign............................ 2,277
German TOWERS, including 5,000 copies
monthly to regular readers................. 78,040
BIBLE STUDENTS Quarterly and Volunteer
matter-German.............................. 5,015,200
BIBLE STUDENTS Quarterly and Volunteer
matter--other languages.................... 122,900

The Lecture and Pilgrim Service was quite extensive this year, with good results. A number of new classes, of 20 to 40 consecrated, have been started; and others have doubled.

Number of Public Meetings.................... 262
" in attendance......................... 52,894
" of addresses for free literature...... 14,743


Printing, Lectures, Pilgrim Service,
Rent, Household, etc.......................104,282.16 Marks
Donations--German and Swiss--European
........................................... 58,704.16 "
45,578.00 Marks
Amount of cash from Brooklyn, plus
proceeds from books sold to
cover balance.
Letters and Cards received................... 13,555
" " " sent out................... 6,823

We have quite a large stock of books on hand, which no doubt will be very much in demand in the near future, since the friends are zealously calling attention to the fulfilment of prophecy in the European or universal war. We hope, indeed, to be able to still circulate a number of million copies of B.S.M. on timely subjects before our work this side the veil is ended. If the six or seven thousand readers of the German TOWER in Europe let their light shine out fearlessly, as the opportunities increase and circumstances offer or demand, the testimony will surely have been given according to the Lord's own Word (Matthew 24:24), so far as this part of the world is concerned. We are glad to know that it is even more so the case in other parts, especially in America.

With confidence in God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and with much love to yourself and your faithful colaborers everywhere, I beg to remain

Your humble brother, O. A. KOETITZ.




By the Lord's grace we have passed another year in His blessed service, on this side of the "Veil," and it is accordingly my greatly appreciated privilege and duty to send you the usual report of the work done in this land during the last year, under the auspices of the Society.

Although it has often, even from the beginning of the past year, been very difficult for us to understand the Lord's guidance and to recognize His will respecting His work and its interests in this part of the field, and although we have often been absolutely unable to see any part of the way before us respecting the same, we cannot now, as we look back and compare the past experiences with their already noticeable results, do anything but give thanks and praise to God, when we can see that it is He who, to a great extent through you, beloved Brother Russell, and also through surrounding circumstances and by His Word and its spirit--has directed our steps on the way which we did not know beforehand. It is with deep gratitude toward the Lord for the opportunity He has thus granted us to be, even during the past year, His co-laborers and yours, that we now present the following figures, etc., which we hope will help you a little to judge of the condition of the work here.

Down through the year the propagation of the Harvest Message and the gathering together of the Lord's saints have continued and developed more and more all over the land, so that--in spite of all adverse circumstances and hindrances--the results of our efforts to proclaim the Good News in different lines have exceeded those of previous years; and there has never before been a time when we have seen a more general manifestation of the spirit of love and zeal, of brotherly-kindness, patience, humility and faith amongst the brethren in Sweden.

Though several of our most successful Colporteur brethren have been kept away from the work during the last three months by being mobilized for war and for other reasons, still the circulation of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES has not gone down, but exceeds, by 3,065 [R5618 : page 29] copies, that of the previous year. The pressure and fear of the present war seem to make many people more willing now than at any previous time to investigate the Truth. The free distribution of Volunteer matter has also made some increase, as you will see. It may at this time interest you to be reminded of the fact that from the start of this little Branch of the great Harvest work until now, there has through it been circulated 200 thousand copies of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and more than 5 millions of the Society's good tracts.

The number of subscribers to the Swedish WATCH TOWER has grown from 2,174 to 2,344, who have paid kronor 5,636 in subscriptions, against kronor 5,244 the previous year. Regular subscriptions for the year to the Swedish Newspapers which publish your sermons weekly have been received through this office to the number of 1,390. In one of these newspapers nearly one whole page has stood at our disposal the whole year.

The regular Pilgrim service, in which six Swedish brethren have taken part during the year, has been richly blessed by the Lord; and besides this, a large number of mass meetings have been held in all parts of the land, attended by tens of thousands of attentive listeners, who have demonstrated their interest in the Message by purchasing thousands of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES when departing from these meetings. We have also had the pleasure of meeting together with others of "like precious faith" in Conventions, on a larger scale than ever before, as not fewer than 18 Conventions have been held in different parts of the country during the year, most of them in the summer time. Those conventions were attended by from 30 to 350 Truth friends, and every one of them has been successful and spiritually helpful. The number of meetings held here under the auspices of the Society has grown from 1,576 to 1,820.

One of the surest proofs of increasing appreciation and love for the Truth is the fact that the absolutely voluntary contributions for the propagation of the Harvest Message received at this office exceed the preceding year's large sum by not less than 20,000 kronor, and this in spite of the poverty of nearly all the friends here and the hard times.

After all the difficulties and disappointments (caused to a great extent by the European war condition) in connection with the preparation for the presentation of the PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION to the Swedish people, we finally succeeded, as you already know, so that the DRAMA was shown here for the first time on September 25. From that day the DRAMA has been presented to overcrowded houses twice every day in from one to three Swedish cities. The interest in this DRAMA is remarkable indeed. We have seen many people standing in the street in bad weather for fully two hours in order to secure a seat; and in the evenings usually from 1,000 to 2,500 people are turned away from the halls in the different places. Up to date we have given 184 DRAMA presentations of two hours each, with a total attendance of 89,650 people in seven of the largest cities of Sweden. As far as has been possible to ascertain, probably twice that number have had to be turned away for want of room, although we have everywhere had some of the largest halls obtainable. Additionally, preparations have already been made for showing the DRAMA in a good many more places before the holiday season.

The 10,000 edition of the Scenario of the PHOTO-DRAMA in book form, which you authorized us to begin with, is nearly gone, so that we have already been compelled to prepare for publishing a new edition. Of the free Scenario in paper form we have sent out 110,000 copies, and it looks as if we should soon need a new large edition of this also. All this seems to us as an illustration of the Lord's words by the Prophet: "Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I shall send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord."--Amos 8:11.

As the work grows rapidly all over the field where we, by the Lord's grace, have been placed, the Office work grows accordingly; and still the office force here has not increased in number, but has really decreased since the starting of the DRAMA work, in that some of its noble members have been wholly taken out in that new Branch, as operators, instructors, etc. The regular DRAMA force here contains more than twenty members, fully engaged in that Branch. We are all very glad indeed for the privilege given to us of having a share with you in the "afflictions of Christ for His Church," and also in your sacrifices and sufferings for the Truth's sake in preparing the "groaning creation" for the coming "Times of Restitution [R5619 : page 29] of all things." More and more do we realize that our present opportunities are wonderful and precious indeed, more so than any words can say; and as we see how the big clouds gather above us, and how men's hearts are trembling in fear of the approaching storm, which already has begun the shaking of the present order of things with its institutions and governments, we cannot but "lift up our heads and rejoice," knowing that "our redemption draweth nigh."--Luke 21:28.

You yourself, dear Brother Russell, are always included in our ardent prayers before the Throne of Heavenly Grace; and we pray that we also may continually have a place in your prayers and supplications on behalf of "all the saints," that we all with you may be kept faithful until the end of our race-course and then be granted an "entrance abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Asking you, on account of all the Swedish Brethren, and especially each member of the Bible House family in Orebro, to kindly accept their warm Christian love with thanks and gratitude for all that you, as the Lord's messenger and representative, have been to all of us during the past year, I am

Your brother and colaborer in Christ,


Copies of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, circulated
at cost.................................... 43,526
Various other books and booklets--MANNA,
TABERNACLE SHADOWS, etc.................... 15,678
Total...................................... 59,204

Eko fran talarstolen (PEOPLES PULPIT),
issued free................................ 681,300
Other free tracts, free DRAMA Scenarios and
copies of the Swedish WATCH TOWER.......... 135,023
Total...................................... 816,323

Amounting in tract pages to.................... 16,221,056
Number of subscribers to the Swedish
WATCH TOWER................................ 2,344
Number of sermons in newspapers, about......... 200,000
Number of meetings held under the auspices
of the Society............................. 1,820
Number of miles traveled in preaching tours 117,837
Letters and cards sent out..................... 8,745
Letters and cards received..................... 6,987
Total number of various shipments, by mail
and by railroad............................ 63,505


Pilgrims, Conventions and other Kr.
meetings.........................21,621.52 = $5,843.65
Translations, printing, binding,
paper, etc.......................27,311.96 = 7,381.61

[R5619 : page 30]

Freight and postage.................. 4,527.56 = 1,223.67
Helps to poor Colporteurs............ 4,211.95 = 1,138.37
The newspaper service................ 2,166.28 = 6,092.43
Office expenses, rent, light, heat,
etc.............................. 7,108.38 = 1,921.18
The PHOTO-DRAMA service..............22,541.99 = 6,092.43
_________ _________
Total.........................Kr.89,489.64 =$24,186.39


Voluntary donations to the Tract
Fund........................... 38,954.43 =$10,528.23
Voluntary donations to the DRAMA
service........................ 15,056.83 = 4,069.11
Swedish WATCH TOWER subscriptions
............................... 5,636.55 = 1,523.39
Sold books, pamphlets, etc......... 29,901.04 = 8,081.36
__________ _________
Total.........................Kr.89,548.85 =$24,202.09
_________ _________
Balance on hand................... Kr.59.21 = $15.70




It is with mingled feelings that I present the report of our labors in the Harvest Field for the past twelve months. We are deeply grateful to God that October, 1914, finds us still busy in the Lord's Great Service, and that the year that has gone has been the busiest of our office existence. The Lord has been very good to us, opening doors of opportunity, and we have sought ever to be on the alert to enter in. And now we realize that we stand on the threshold of the Kingdom, and that possibly our next report will not be to Brooklyn, but to Headquarters beyond the veil. We are conscious, however, that there is work still to be done here below, and are determined by God's assisting grace not to slacken our efforts (though we long for the homecoming), but to work with all diligence as long as the day lasts. Pray for us, dear Brother, that the blessing of God may rest upon our humble efforts to serve Him and that we may be used abundantly here in gathering in the last grains of ripe wheat for the Lord's Garner.

From the accompanying report you will see that our output of volumes has been largely increased, and that a greater quantity of literature of all kinds has passed through our hands. Everywhere throughout South Africa we find an increased interest in the Truth since the beginning of the present strife of nations. Men who formerly looked upon the subject as a huge joke, are now asking with scared faces, "What does it all mean?" We have neither time nor inclination for the inevitable "I told you so," but are only too glad to explain the significance of current events to all who are now ready to listen to Present Truth.

The meetings of the Ecclesia at Durban are well sustained and the average attendance is larger than ever before. During the year I have made three Pilgrim journeys, covering nearly 3,000 miles, and have lectured in many of the large towns and some of the smaller ones in the Union. On these visits I have been much impressed with the growth in grace of the dear brethren throughout the country, some of whom, in comparative isolation, have been growing like calves in the stall. I have been twice to the Transvaal and once to Cape Colony, and am just about to embark upon another tour of the Cape, right down the coast to Capetown, returning by the Western Province.

The Native work continues as interesting as ever, and under the able guidance of our two native teachers, Brothers Jordan and Tshange, this work is spreading considerably in this part of the Continent. A dear Brother who has been Colporteuring in Cape Colony reports considerable interest among the natives there, and at their request I am taking Brother Jordan down to establish classes in various centres, and otherwise to assist the interested ones. In Nyasaland the work continues to develop, especially in the Northern Province. I am sending to you an interesting letter from a leading Brother there. The Nyasaland brethren have had their faith much strengthened by the fact that a fight took place in their own land, at Karonga, between the British and the Germans, a tangible evidence that we are in the beginning of the Time of Trouble.--Daniel 12:1.

During the year we have had two Conventions in South Africa, one at Johannesburg, already reported, and the other at Durban. At both of these we received much blessing from the Lord, and the spiritual life of all present was greatly stimulated. Our one regret, dear Brother, was that we were so far removed from Brooklyn that we could not have you with us in person. We know, however, that you were with us in spirit and we spoke of you and joyfully anticipated the great meeting at the end of the way, now so close at hand.

The newspaper work continues normal. We have added two papers to our list during the year, but some others have dropped out. The scarcity of material, due to the war, has made the newspapers here very jealous of their space. All over we have much to thank God for, and are inspired by past experience to a still larger confidence for the future, whether long or short.

Permit me here, dear Brother, to express the gratitude to God felt by all the dear friends in Africa, both black and white, for your faithful ministrations, and to assure you of their entire confidence and loving devotion. Our prayer is that He who has brought you through many difficulties may sustain you in the special trials that necessarily pertain to the end of the way and that we all, with your well beloved self, may appear before God in Zion.

With much Christian love, I have the honor to remain,

Your brother and colaborer, WM. W. JOHNSTON.


Free literature circulated--
English............................... 67,650 270,600 Pages
Free literature circulated--
Hollandish............................ 38,380 135,520 "
_______ _______
106,030 406,120 "

Newspaper sermons sent out........................... 7,720
Parcels dispatched................................... 165
Letters dispatched................................... 1,257
P. R. L. B. wrappers................................. 1,316
New TOWER subscribers................................ 30
Meetings held........................................ 380
Pilgrim journeys..................................... 3
Miles traveled....................................... 2,986

[R5620 : page 30]


Cr. Dr.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Tract fd. donations 13 12 0 Office expenses..109 7 4
TOWER subs.......... 7 4 0 P.R.L.B. exp..... 78 6 8
Sales............... 87 12 7 Pilgrim expenses 60 17 11
Grants to native
workers........ 21 5 0
Bank charges..... 2 16 5
___ __ __ ___ __ __
108 8 7 315 3 1


£ s. d. £ s. d.
Cash on hand, Total expenses.. 315 3 1
Nov. 1, 1913..... 43 14 1 Repayment loan.. 32 0 0
Local receipts..... 108 8 7 Cash on hand.... 72 16 0
Loan............... 7 0 0
From Brooklyn...... 260 16 5
___ __ __ ___ __ __
419 19 1 419 19 1

[R5620 : page 31]



I send you a short report of the Harvest work in Finland for 1914. God's grace toward us during the past year has been exceedingly great. God has opened doors all over; and we have tried with our feeble powers to use the opportunities, although we have felt that "the Harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few."

In the beginning of the year we finished the publishing of the six volumes of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES in Finnish; and since then we have rejoiced with our Finnish brethren and sisters, as they have the whole light of Present Truth set forth in these blessed books. Six newspapers have during the year published "Pastor Russell's Sermons," one of the papers having a circulation of more than 30,000.

The interest in Present Truth has been growing amongst the friends, and they have tried to do their very best in spreading the Glad Tidings. A very beautiful opportunity was afforded in THE PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION. The glorious Message went out during two months in the nicest form; and every day was a festival.

Up to the last of September the work was going on with very great force; but on October 1 everything was changed, and since that day it has been very difficult to do anything. We have tried to do, but we have had only few possibilities. We see how the night is coming. You know that the sun is going down in the "East." Nevertheless we are in good condition, filled with the best hopes, because we see the New Day and how the Sun of Righteousness is rising. We are therefore very happy and thankful toward God, who has used you as a channel to bring us the knowledge of His plan and prospects.

As I think it will interest you, I send a report of the Harvest work in our country:


Output of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES......... 22,409
Output of various books and booklets........ 27,622
Total................................... 50,031

Number of subscribers to the Finnish TOWER.. 1,124 Number of subscribers to the Swedish TOWER.. 117

Total................................... 1,241

Bibles sold................................. 130
Volunteer Tracts.....................479,602
Sample TOWERS........................ 46,573
Scenarios............................ 70,478
_______ 596,653

Number of Meetings held.............. 862
" " PHOTO-DRAMA Entertainments
................................. 218
_______ 1,080
Number of Miles traveled in Preaching Tours 29,986
Attendance at Meetings.............. 130,294
" " Entertainments........ 80,500
_______ 210,794
Letters and Cards sent out................... 4,962
" " " received................... 3,892
Total number of various Shipments............ 47,751
Total Expenditures......Fmk. 80,319:61 or $15,477.00
" Receipts.......... " 74,461:00 " 14,348.21
Shortage............ " 5,858.00 " 1,128.79

I assure you of our deep love, and that we daily ask God's blessing upon you,

Your brother and servant in the Lord,




Following is the I.B.S.A. annual report of distribution of literature in German Switzerland from November 1, 1913, to November 14, 1914:

I., German..................... 1,694
II., German.................... 308
III., German................... 303
IV., German.................... 308
V., German..................... 224
VI., German.................... 287
Total........................... 3,124
Volume I., in journal form, German 1,944
MANNA, German....................... 182
Bible Helps, German................. 42
Booklets, German.................... 8,344 417,401
German WATCH TOWER (600
Monthly)........................ 7,200 360,000
Total number Tract Pages........ 777,401
Hell TOWER in German, etc........... 6,442 358,700
B.S.M. and Tracts...................314,297 7,983,500
Total number Tracts Pages....... 8,342,200

Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL LAUPER.



Chapters of SCRIPTURE STUDIES and Pamphlets (WATCH TOWERS, Tracts and Special Sermons), in Braille type, loaned by mail:

Chapters................................... 8,372
Pamphlets.................................. 2,811
Weekly sermons mailed...................... 3,728
Letters received........................... 2,476
Letters dispatched......................... 2,302
